What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

Pupil Premium is a dedicated funding initiative aimed at enhancing educational outcomes for students facing socio-economic disadvantages within schools. Extensive research indicates that these students encounter additional hurdles in realising their academic potential and often lag behind their peers.

At Up Holland High School, our commitment is to empower every student, not only academically but also personally, ensuring they are equipped with the tools for success beyond the classroom.

Since September 2023, our school community has grown to encompass over 850 students. Approximately 26% of our student body falls under the disadvantaged category.

Students qualify as disadvantaged if they are currently benefiting from:

  • free school meals (FSM)
  • have received FSM at any point in the past six years (Ever 6 funding)
  • are in care (Children Looked After - CLA)
  • or have been previously looked after/adopted (Pupil Premium Plus funding).
  • additionally, children of armed forces personnel are also eligible (Service Pupil Premium).

To apply for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium, please visit the following link: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/free-school-meals/?page=3



UHHS PP Strategy Statement 2024 – 2027


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