Hello Y6 students and welcome to Up Holland High!

The Spring Term is a busy one for our Transition team here at Up Holland High. Once we receive the list of Y6 students who will be joining us in September, we will contact primary schools to arrange visits and start the transition process socially, emotionally and academically.

We plan to see all the Y6 students here at Up Holland on Wednesday 29th June 2022 to give them opportunity to see the school, meet key members of staff and make new friends. We will also be offering an additional transition session for some individuals and this will take place on Monday 27th June 2022. More information about these events will be sent out closer to the time.

From March onwards, Mrs Farren (Transition Lead), Mrs Dewhurst (SENCo), Mrs Davis (Assistant SENCo) and Mrs Carty (Senior Personal Development Manager Y7) will be visiting primary schools to meet with the Y6s and their key primary staff.

Lots of information about our school can be found through the different links here and we recommend that you visit this page regularly to get the latest updates, as well as following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs Farren at

Starting high school is an exciting time and we know that you will have lots of questions. Do check in on our website each week as we add more of your Frequently Asked Questions.

personal Development Groups

All Year 7 students are placed in a Personal Development group and there are 7 groups in total. Students spend the first 25 minutes of every morning with their Personal Development group and each day has a different focus – Communication, PiXL Edge, Reading, PSHE and Assembly. We try to ensure a mix of boys and girls from a number of primary schools as well as some familiar faces. These groups are NOT ability-based and we use the information we receive from primary schools to group students; however, sometimes we may have a smaller group where we are aware of attendance issues and the Personal Development Tutor works closely with those students to overcome any potential barriers and improve attendance.

teaching Groups

Year 7 students are placed in sets for Maths and Science, and also for English which then determines their sets for History, Geography, Religious Studies, Spanish and Computing. These sets are based on the information that we receive from the primary school; however we also carry out our own baseline testing during the first half-term (including CATs) and teaching groups may change as a result of these.


students Are Expected To Have The Following Equipment:

  • Two pens (blue or black Biro)
  • Purple pen (Biro)
  • Two pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Ruler- 30cm (marked in mms and cms)
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • Scientific calculator
  • Glue stick
  • Whiteboard pen
  • Highlighter
  • A compact English dictionary
  • A mini whiteboard
  • Set of coloured pencils (felt tips are not recommended


How you can support your child


Transition Booklet


New Intake Evening Headteacher's Presentation